Flying high from RDU International Airport, my traveling buddy and I finally arrived at Minneapolis-Saint Paul International Airport. We were eager to unwind at the USO in anticipation of our upcoming journey. We found out the USO was closed, leaving us to roam around the quiet after-midnight hours’ airport to find a suitable spot to sleep. We were able to experience firsthand what the homeless population goes through when they roam around in search of a suitable spot to sleep. It was uncomfortable, but we made it work the best way possible—sleeping on the matted lounge couch, using our belongings and jackets as pillows and blankets.
The next day airs! We didn’t get much sleep, but it was enough rest time to get our mojo going to tour the city the late Prince called home. We have a few hours, but we will make it a bountiful experience.
Minnehaha Falls, located in Minnehaha Regional Park, is where the clock starts. Minnehaha Falls is known as “laughing water,” attracting more than 850,000 visitors annually, according to its website. Minnehaha Falls, to me, provided an urban escapism into a naturistic atmosphere. The sounds of nature, birds chirping, and the cascading waterfall gently dance in my ears.

The cascading waterfalls, accompanied by mounted rocks, green trees and plants, and a river that perfectly complemented the scene, treated our eyes to a broad cinematic view. The spot gave visitors the perfect place to snap pictures. The park took us down the stairway, which leads to another trail. The lower level also gave us a closer view of the waterfall. Even the squirrels were running fast, running in the wild, which caught my friend off guard. The trail way offers visitors a peaceful view of the narrow stream waterway.
The next stop is George Floyd Memorial Square, located on Chicago Avenue and 38th Street East. They transformed the store where George Floyd tragically lost his life into a memorial site. Flowers, pictures, and memorials surround the front of Unity Foods store, honoring Floyd and highlighting racial injustice. The side of the store features a graffiti picture of George Floyd, while a few walking distances away behind the store is a wall mural showcasing influential black leaders like Colin Kaepernick, Huey Newton, Angela Davis, and Marcus Garvey.

Wall murals and Unity Foods – Chicago Ave and 38th Street East; Photo Credit: Tracey Morrison/The Exclusive Press
For the writer, this location serves as an emotional reminder of police injustice in America, illustrating the real-life reality of the injustice African Americans face and providing guidance on how to continue the fight against police brutality. Local activists from Minneapolis welcomed my friend and me with open arms. We exchanged engaging conversations on racial injustice and how to contribute to changing your community.
Pit Stop (Break): We tour through downtown Minneapolis, enjoying the captivating view of the skylines and exploring the excellent dining options. Like Bob Marley is the face of Jamaica, Prince, the hometown hero, is the face of Minneapolis. We snapped beautiful shots of the Prince mural and quickly visited the Minnesota Vikings stadium. While in the downtown area, we visited the Mills Museum. The Mills Museum focuses on Minnesota’s mill company’s history. Inside the Mills Museum, there was a large pancake box and mill display. The museum has a bakery area that allows you to sample some of the food (mills). The museum features an eight-story level, which gives visitors an aerial view of the city’s mill area.

L-R: Prince Mural in Downtown Minneapolis, Mills Museum, and Malls of America; Photo Credit: Tracey Morrison/The Exclusive Press
Recreational Stop: Time was crunching; we couldn’t hit Minneapolis without visiting the largest mall in the world, the Mall of America. This mall lives up to its name, with amusement parks and many top stores inside.
Last stop: View the outside of Prince’s House. We finally made it to Prince’s house and were taken aback by the unexpected location of Prince’s house, just off the highway. The gate was closed when we arrived there, but we got a few minutes to view the outside of Prince’s house.
“That’s all, folks”, as Bugs Bunny would say. Minnesota, it was wonderful to see you, but I will see you later. We’re headed to the next state. I got you on my mind’s save drive of wish list places to visit: a tour inside Prince’s home, a hangout at the Target Center, and a visit to Saint Paul, Minnesota. I’ll save those for later. Next stop: North Dakota. We have a 3-hour FAR drive to the next state, which is “FARgo.” We’re on a mission to visit the next state, but I will see you later, Minnesota!