Flashback to December 14th, 2022, last month of 2022. We’re halfway into the new year. Many are preparing for the New Year, holiday shopping, setting New Year Resolution Goals, or even trying to complete goals by the end of the year. I’m sure readers are wondering what’s so significant about this date. Brooks contacted me on December 14th, sharing his good news of receiving the Mini-Grant award through the Fayetteville Arts Council to help fund his TV Show Pilot, American Dreamers. The announcement was exciting news for Brooks to close out the year in time to execute his vision of making his TV pilot show come to reality for the Jordan year.

American Dreamers was years in the making. He spent two years writing the script. Brooks went full speed like the Fast and the Furious movie in producing the TV series. The pilot has been in production since April 2023.
“It’s great to have things put on to the big screen. It’s good to see the community come together and create something we can all feel good from watching the series. I received help from many people to bring my idea to life,” stated Brooks.
Some actors featured in the TV pilot are Keith Holliday, Latisha Harden, Toochukwu T.C. Anyachonkeya, Mimi Gee, and Joshua Shipman. The comedy television series is art intimating the life of Brooks and his friends breaking into the entertainment industry.
“American Dreamers is based on the experiences of some of my close friends and myself while finding our way into the film industry,” stated Brooks. The TV series is the start for the 40-year-old Army Veteran to bring more films to Fayetteville. Brooks made Fayetteville his home since 2020.
His love for film started during his collegiate days at Norfolk State University. He got his first taste of film while doing a work-study job in the university’s film department. Since then, he’s been moving like a movie credit displayed in a movie ending – establishing himself in the film industry through his independent films and working for many networks such as HBO, Hulu, Amazon, Showtime, and Fox. He directed over ten short films and produced over 70 music videos. In addition to being an independent filmmaker, he’s also a freelance Editor, Painter, and Photography Director.
Although the TV pilot is a comedy series, he wants to give viewers a positive message. “I want the viewers to get a glimpse of what it’s like to start from the bottom while chasing your dreams in the film industry,” stated Brooks.
Through his comedy TV pilot, he wants to give viewers an artistic glimpse of what it’s like to start from the bottom while chasing your dreams in the film industry. The TV Pilot screening is held this coming Friday, July 28th, 2023, from 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm at Volta Space, 116 Person Street, Fayetteville, NC 28301. The Admission Cost is $15.00. The event will feature live music, vendors, comedians, and food.
Click on the highlighted link to purchase tickets for the TV screening of American Dreamers.