Tyler Wade Gibson (35) and Bailey Alexus Gibson (32), a Missouri couple, are facing charges of child abuse and “unauthorized practice of medicine or surgery” after illegally circumcising their child.

Tyler was not a registered physician and knowingly practiced surgery on the child in the family’s home. After the procedure didn’t go as planned, the child was taken to Lake Regional Hospital and later transported to Columbia University Hospital. Tyler left the hospital against medical staff’s advice.
Authorities received a call from Columbia University Hospital on Nov. 28th about a child who had illegally undergone circumcision at the couple’s home in Morgan County, Missouri.
The police eventually got a hold of the couple. Tyler admitted to leaving the hospital after growing weary of waiting for 4 hours.

Tyler admitted to performing the circumcision without practicing surgery, using a utility knife (blade).
Tyler told law enforcement he researched the procedure and prayed a blessing. Tyler further explained that he took the victim to the hospital after the victim experienced heavy bleeding after the pads weren’t working to catch the blood.

Tyler, along with his wife, Bailey, who also allegedly assisted with the procedure, was arrested on Nov. 28th and bailed out the next day.
On December 3rd, Tyler made an appearance in court for court arraigment. He’s schedule to back to court on January 21st. Meanwhile, Bailey’s next scheduled appearance is on January 28th.