Two teenage brothers in Detroit who were seen sleeping on the porch of their family home, while their parents remained inside, slept outside of their own free will, according to Fox 2 Detroit.
The story of the two teenage boys sleeping outside went mainstream on December 2nd. Concerned neighbors reported the boys sleeping outside in the cold and alerted Child Protective Services & Law Enforcement. Footage shows blankets, pillows, shoes, toothbrushes, and glasses on a porch.
Journalist Marc D’Andre from 7 Mile Radio conducted his investigation after hearing about the story. He shared a video of him watching the teen stakeout on Facebook on November 30th. He spoke to the teens who revealed they had been sleeping on the porch for five months.
“He popped out from under the cover and yo ‘He popped out from under the cover and you know I tried to ask him if he needed help in any kind of way; if he needed money or wanted to go somewhere, even into my van if to warm up for a minute. He refused everything,” D’Andre told Local 4.

In addition to D’Andre’s reports, Local 4 News Detroit also reported in September of concerned neighbors saying the boys continue to sleep on the porch despite them continuously calling the police department and Child Protective Services (CPS).

In an update on this story, reported on December 10th by Fox 2 News Detroit, the boys parents told authorities and CPS that the door to their home is open for their sons and that the children could come inside at any time and always had access to the bathroom. However, the children decide to sleep outside of their own free will.
The Detroit Free Press reported that the older brother has past behavioral issues and a pending assault and battery case.
Following the authorities’ visit to the home, the teens are currently staying with family friends. The Detroit Police and Child Protective Services were working with the family on a long-term solution.