The Tyrone R. Lewis, Sr Christmas Giveaway takes pride in sprinkling holiday joy to poverty-stricken families in Bladen and Cumberland County. This year, the Foundation selected Mr. and Mrs. Jones, parents of 3 children (ages 3, 7, and 12), of Cumberland County as its recipient. The Jones family experienced financial hardship after Mr. Jones recently lost his job, leaving Mrs. Jones as the sole provider to support the household. Her income from Pizza Hut only covered the bare minimum, keeping a roof over the household’s head. Mrs. Jones explained to her children that they wouldn’t receive any gifts for Christmas this year due to unforeseen financial circumstances.
The Foundation reached out to Mrs. Jones after receiving her request for help through the Foundation’s ad on the Next-Door app. “Through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, I selected the Jones family as this year’s recipients. I blessed the family with gifts and a Christmas tree,” shared Marcella McKoy with the Exclusive Press (EP). McKoy expressed her delightfulness in the outcome of the giveaway. The immense joy, gleeful eyes, and crescent smiles on the needy families’ faces brought a warmth to her soul.
McKoy felt the need to continue the legacy of her brother’s heart for giving. As an honor to Tyrone Ricardo Lewis Sr, she established the Tyrone R. Lewis Sr Christmas Giveaway Foundation four years ago. Lewis lost his life as an innocent bystander, struck in the heart with a machete, during a robbery at a California convenience store in 2002. Lewis had aspirations to become a musician and music producer before his life ended at 32 years old.
Lewis had a love of giving to needy children that brought music to his heart. “He loves seeing children smile on special occasions, such as birthdays and holidays,” shared McKoy with the Exclusive Press. Lewis would visit stores and observe the “What am I going to do?” distressed expression on that parent’s face. He would fold up money ranging from $100 or more and place the funds in that distraught parent’s hand. “If my brother weren’t donating money, he would have a trunk full of toys to give to children,” shared McKoy. “I started the foundation because I didn’t want something that beautiful to go to waste,” shared McKoy.
The Foundation has grown significantly since its inception. The number of givers is increasing yearly, receiving donations from various companies and individual donors to support the cause. McKoy shared that the future looks mighty bright for the Tyrone Lewis Sr Christmas Giveaway. McKoy is shining the light of her brother’s heart in the community that radiates on destitute families’ faces. McKoy looks forward to the Christmas Giveaway in 2023 and so forth. “My brother believed that no children of struggling families should be left behind. He would be very pleased if he were alive, saying, Good job, little sister.”
If you want to donate for next year’s Christmas Giveaway, contact Marcella McKoy at (910) 978-1206 or