
Taking on the Colorado Rockies – My Garden of Gods Poetic Experience

The stunning view of the curvaceous sculpture sandstone rocks.

The scenery of the picturesque landscape view ruminates my mind into another dimension. Feeling a sense of INDEPENDENCE on a DAY like this.

What a CLIFFHANGER, scavenging through the rocks like INDIANA JONES in search of treasure.

The average person would say it’s DUMB AND DUMBER and stop…. Oh no!! I can’t stop now. I must keep going until I reach the top.

PULSE racing, but I kept going. The intensity! The anticipation!

Yay!!! I reached for the top of the stars. The GOLD RUSH!!

Feeling PRESTIGE, climbing approximately 6000 feet altitude above sea level, feeling like the A-TEAM.

Movies filmed in Colorado – Independence Day, Cliffhanger, Indiana Jones, The Pulse, Dumb and Dumber, Gold Rush, Prestige, and the A-Team.


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